Your home should be a safe place for you and your family, but sometimes accidents happen and possible causes include overlooked and neglected electrical problems. If remain unsolved, it can take a serious turn and put your family at risk; that’s why it is necessary to address them immediately whether it’s an electrical installation or circuit breaker problem.
And while most of these problems can be fixed on your own, some issues are best left to the electrical professionals. So, if you have no experience or right tools, let the experts handle them.
Here are the electrical problems that commonly occur at home that you need to be aware of. Read more
How to Repair a Broken Electrical Wire?
/in Articles /by HalbertBroken electrical wires are a very common sight in houses, construction sites, and many such places. Hence, many people perform electrical repair in Singapore. Even though they appear to be harmless, broken wires can create grave disasters if ignored, such as electrocution, power outage, and other kinds of physical injuries, and accidentally touching a broken wire at times can even cause death. The key to avoiding electrical hazards caused by broken wires is repairing them by following the right techniques. In this article, you are going to learn how to fix a broken wire by splicing it back together mechanically and electrically and insulating the joint. Read more
Common Types Of Electrical Emergencies
/in Articles /by HalbertElectricity is an essential component of daily living as they power important appliances such as light fixtures, air conditioning, television sets, and computers. Homes come with electrical systems that distribute power and no matter how cutting-edge or expertly installed they may be, emergency issues such as power outages and electrical malfunctions that require immediate professional services are inevitable.
If left unattended, these issues may pose serious risks and safety problems that will endanger your loved ones. It is important to familiarize yourself with them so you know when to call in emergency electrical services. Need help here? Read on for more details. Read more
What is the most common cause of power outage?
/in Articles /by HalbertElectrical power has become such an integral part of modern life that even a temporary power failure can cause chaos and disruption to our livelihoods.
While the loss of power in smaller-scale settings may not be life-threatening, it can still result in lost data, a decrease in productivity, or the loss in revenue. As we are highly dependent on electricity, we need to understand the common causes of power outage so we can better safeguard ourselves from its negative effects.
Here are some of the most common causes of power outages: Read more
Common Electrical Problems in a Household
/in Articles /by HalbertYour home should be a safe place for you and your family, but sometimes accidents happen and possible causes include overlooked and neglected electrical problems. If remain unsolved, it can take a serious turn and put your family at risk; that’s why it is necessary to address them immediately whether it’s an electrical installation or circuit breaker problem.
And while most of these problems can be fixed on your own, some issues are best left to the electrical professionals. So, if you have no experience or right tools, let the experts handle them.
Here are the electrical problems that commonly occur at home that you need to be aware of. Read more
Make Your Home Safer with an Electrical Wiring Upgrade
/in Articles /by HalbertElectrical wiring can be hazardous in your home if it is outdated or damaged. Faulty wiring and overload power strips can cause an electrical fire. And if you have unprotected electrical outlets, it can burn or shock you if you accidentally touch it. With these in mind, here are some reasons why you should do an upgrade now and tips on how to properly do it.
Electrical Wiring Hazards to Look For
The first step in doing an electrical wiring upgrade is to inspect your home and check your existing wiring connections to immediately identify if they pose serious threats to your home and your family. Read more
How to Use Electrical Services to Improve Your Home
/in Articles /by HalbertNothing distracts the family like faulty electrical wires and light switches not working properly, but with electrical services in Singapore, your family doesn’t have to worry about these things. Fortunately, it doesn’t take a lot of time or money to address these electrical problems. It only takes a skilled electrician with years of experience to do the job. And you can always count on these five electrical services to help improve your home.
Electrical Testing and Rewiring Services
Getting your wires tested will not only help upgrade your home but also make it safer. An electrician will test your electrical wiring and identify problems that could lead to accidents and damage; thus, may help reduce the risk of fire. Read more
4 Electrical Wiring Systems Available For Your Home
/in Articles /by HalbertWiring systems are oftentimes taken for granted but they actually play an important role in our lives. Without these wiring systems, our home appliances and security systems cannot work properly. It is best to install the right home electrical wiring system and properly maintain it by hiring a tried and tested service provider.
What type of electrical wiring system should you install?
With regards to installation, there are a few electrical wiring systems that you can choose from. This can be handy if you are having your dream home constructed or replacing your existing one. Now, rather than making a decision on a whim, it is recommended to compare them first and weigh their pros and cons before deciding. This is one of the best things that you can do if you want to get your money’s worth when installing your electrical wiring system. Check out the different types of home electrical wiring systems that are available below. Read more
4 Types of Electrical Repair Services Best Left To Professionals
/in Articles /by HalbertWhen it comes to electrical problems, most homeowners rely on their local electrical repair shop. This is because electrical repair specialists have the skills and experience in performing repairs quickly and effectively. While you can easily fix a loose outlet or replace a blown fuse, there are situations when you should not attempt to fix these problems on your own.
Here, we list down four types of electrical repairs that are best entrusted to a professional electrician. Read more
Common Household Electrical Accessories
/0 Comments/in Articles /by rawmixYou see them everyday, you touch them everyday, but you don’t really know what they called? Learn the name of each of your household accessories so you can let us know the actually problem.
Common household electrical accessories
Evolution of Lighting
/0 Comments/in Articles /by rawmixSee how lighting has evolved through the centuries. From a simple kerosene lamp to the current LED technology. The latest LED bulb it’s reducing energy use but price still can be reduced further in my opinion.
Evolution of Lighting showing various bulbs to LED.